Blockchain fullstack structure - Part 4 - React.js and Next.js

Alright, the series of articles goes to frontend part. I post an article related to Blockchain with React.js and Next.js. If you haven’t seen my previous posts Part 1 Introduction, Part 2 Hardhat, and Part 3 Golang Gin, please read them first.

In this article, I demonstrate how to use React.js (Next.js) to interact with smart contract by Golang Gin API and hardhat RPC URL, and implement a simple Sign-in with Ethereum (SIWE) authentication and setGreeting to Solidity.

Okay, let’s start it.

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Blockchain fullstack structure - Part 3 - Golang Gin

It’s time to Blockchain with Golang. If you haven’t seen my previous post Part 1 Introduction and Part 2 Hardhat, please read them first.

Again, does Dapp need a Backend?


  • You can pretty much make a dapp without backend, but there are some things that can’t be done with a smart contract.
  • You need a backend among other reasons for off-chain or metadata that won’t be stored in the smart contracts.

Have you ever thought about how Moralis works?

Off-chain: Backend infrastructure that collects data from the blockchain, offers an API to clients like web apps and mobile apps, indexes the blockchain, provides real-time alerts, coordinates events that are happening on different chains, handles the user life-cycle and so much more.
Moralis Dapp is used in order to speed up the implementation of the off-chain infrastructure. Moralis Dapp is a bundled solution of all the features most Dapps need in order to get going as soon as possible.

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