2023 回顧

/* English below */


  • 穩定的金流!!
  • 手上有個案子固定每天跟著業主上下班,唯一差異是我是全遠端,完全不用進公司,想找同事的時候還可以約一下去他們公司走走、一起做事。
  • 為了升級React版本,規劃並將多個react class component為functional component,同時把沒有人敢碰、將近2000行的class component首頁主服務元件改寫成functional component。
  • 跟某個業主方的工程師們一起開發了新的服務,其中包含串接第三方API、身份辨識功能等等,耗時了將近十個月。
  • 一個月翻新客戶原有的舊案子,並藉由此案初步導入github actions CI/CD,最後於年底協助整合github actions做前後端自動部署。
  • 碰到了WebRTC,實作拍照、錄影等等功能
  • 替業主ReactJS導入Typescript,專心研究並實作react design pattern,也在團隊內部做技術分享
  • ChatGPT or LLM實在是離我很遠,我只能持續關注web3、blockchain世界的發展


Now, it’s the end of 2023. Thank to the press conference, I had been keeping up with the release schedule for almost an entire year. During this period, I needed to roll out a new service and rewrite an existing service. However, 2023 was both fatiguing and stable. Here’s my recap of 2023.

  • Enjoying a stable cash flow.
  • As a fully remote engineer, I adhere to the working hours of one of my customers. Although I don’t have to be onsite, I can still go to office and work with them.
  • For upgrading React version, I devised a plan and rewrote many class components to functional components, including a massive class component with more than 2000 lines, which is used in their main service.
  • Collaborating on the release of a new service with my customer’s engineers. Over the entire year, we integrated third-party APIs, optical character recognition (OCR), and GPS.
  • Redesigning an existing service in one month. Furthermore, I introduced Github actions to handle CI/CD during this period and helped my customer deploy their frontend and backend code through Github actions in December 2023.
  • Initiating the use of WebRTC to capture photos and record videos on mobile.
  • Integrating Typescript and emphasizing React design patterns. I refactored codebases by implementing react design patterns and shared their usage with the frontend team.
  • Continuously learning Web3 and blockchain technology.

Yes, 2023 was quite a steady year. I hope my 2024 will be even more challenging.