Using Firebase and Firestore with NextJS and Docker - Part 2 - Setup firebase in Next.js

On our previous post shows how to integrate firebase with docker. This article we will integrate Next.js with firebase, and then deploy app with Github actions. In this webapp, we can input cryptocurrency name, and upload logo, and therefore we use firestore to save Tokens collection and Cloud Storage to save logo images.

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Using Firebase and Firestore with NextJS and Docker - Part 1 - Setup firebase in docker

Last year, I got a case to use firebase and firestore with Next.js. I’ve been fullstack many years, so I haven’t tried to use firebase and firestore. There was a great chance to give it a try.

In this article I’ll show how to use firebase and firestore in Docker and Next.js. If you don’t have backend support, or you don’t want to build whole backend, database, and infrastructure, you would probably think this is a useful way.

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Blockchain fullstack structure - Part 4 - React.js and Next.js

Alright, the series of articles goes to frontend part. I post an article related to Blockchain with React.js and Next.js. If you haven’t seen my previous posts Part 1 Introduction, Part 2 Hardhat, and Part 3 Golang Gin, please read them first.

In this article, I demonstrate how to use React.js (Next.js) to interact with smart contract by Golang Gin API and hardhat RPC URL, and implement a simple Sign-in with Ethereum (SIWE) authentication and setGreeting to Solidity.

Okay, let’s start it.

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Blockchain fullstack structure - Part 3 - Golang Gin

It’s time to Blockchain with Golang. If you haven’t seen my previous post Part 1 Introduction and Part 2 Hardhat, please read them first.

Again, does Dapp need a Backend?


  • You can pretty much make a dapp without backend, but there are some things that can’t be done with a smart contract.
  • You need a backend among other reasons for off-chain or metadata that won’t be stored in the smart contracts.

Have you ever thought about how Moralis works?

Off-chain: Backend infrastructure that collects data from the blockchain, offers an API to clients like web apps and mobile apps, indexes the blockchain, provides real-time alerts, coordinates events that are happening on different chains, handles the user life-cycle and so much more.
Moralis Dapp is used in order to speed up the implementation of the off-chain infrastructure. Moralis Dapp is a bundled solution of all the features most Dapps need in order to get going as soon as possible.

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Blockchain fullstack structure - Part 1 - Introduction

Recently, I ogranized a template of my blockchain fullstack project, including a Hardhat Solidity, Golang backend, and React js frontend. Does it need golang backend? Actually, I’m not sure. But there is a post said:

Even though you have your smart contracts as backend, often times a Dapp will still have an additional traditional server running. Not always, but probably more often than you think.

So, I combined Harhat, Golang gin, and Next.js to my dApp-structure github repo, added some basic, simple interaction from Next.js to Blockchain, and from Golang to Blockchain.

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